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Nino Gomelauri


The majority of studies show that the society is going through devaluation of family values and roles, mitigating family behavior motivation, reducing demand for many children, changing it with the need for self-realization. However, multiple children family is still remaining a valuable charm. Relatives and acquaintances respect their work, endure their patience, for combining career and family activities. Multiple children families mostly are people with an active lifestyle. Despite the fact that in recent years the birth rate decreases, the third and subsequent sequencing of children among the living born was increased and in 2016 amounted to 21.3%. 

There are different opinions on multiple children families in the society in Georgia. A third of the population perceives the phrase "multiple children family", as a factor determining difficulties and poverty in the family. Most of the population of the country thinks that many children are in unsuccessful families, where there are permanent problems and troubles. 67% of the surveyed multiple children families have no feelings of positive attitude from society. Every day many mothers face indifference and even some of the blame. Giving birth to the third, fourth and subsequent child, lots of mothers are speaking about the changed attitude towards them.  By having first and second child, attitude towards family is absolute positive. Having third child rarely creates misunderstanding, but deserves its approval; but having fourth and subsequent children appear to grow critic and unsatisfactory feelings around.

In public consciousness, there is a view that the main obstacle for families with many children is the low level of material status of the population. In some sense, it is true, but it does not prove that the increase of material wealth will increase the number of children. In large families, material welfare and children do not contradict each other. Studies show that half of many mothers have stable life: they work in several places, have the ability to earn money, they are not poor, their children go to sports, dancing and creative circles.  Multiple children families have much less moral support today. Upbringing of children requires not only material support but also spiritual, emotional, moral and other resources. When the child sees how much love and mutual help is important, his/her personality is formed on this ground. He honors all people, their rights and freedom.

Modern mass culture can be called an antifamily. In the work of the Round Table dedicated to the formation of family values by means of mass media in the framework of the Rhodes International Forum "Civilizations Dialogue", where the experts participated from almost every country of the world emphasized transnational nature of negative informative influences, contradicting activities of mass media on the spiritual sphere, cultural and moral code maintenance. It is desirable that the field of film and television-industry will have a completely thought-out state demographic policy, aimed at families with many children and family values, especially through that television and film production that are financed by the state. There should be a social order, including the relevant information and culture policy aimed at improving family lifestyle and increasing childbirth.

The appeal of Katholikos-Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II on the background of the inaction of the State brought an unprecedented demographic result. The total number of children born in the third and subsequent birth order sequence was equal to 1990 levels (21,4%). From 2007 to 2014, the overall birth rate coefficient increased from 1,76 to 2,33 (officially from 1,45 to 2,19). 

From 2010, the state's attitude toward demographic situation in the country and the dependency of many multiple children families has been changed. It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia has carried out the activities concerning child birth in recent years. From June 1, 2014, in regions where there is a significant decline in birth and is not natural increase, parents of every third child under 2 years, receives monthly assistance from the state. The amount of assistance in mountainous regions is - 200 GEL and 150 GEL in the plain. This is a state strategy that includes several directions. The model was selected based on the demographic situation and sharing international experience. In the regions where demographic balance is negative and there is a high mortality and depopulation, state strategy is aimed at stimulating childbirth. The maternity leave increased from 477 to 780 calendar days, and the number of insolvencies became GEL 1000 instead of 600 GEL. The paid leave is 183 days instead of 126 calendar days.

Unfortunately, the country does not have determined a status for parent with multiple children. There should be one standard determining which family is considered to be a multiple children one.

Together with the measures taken in the country, it is necessary to change the attitude in the society towards the multiple children families, as a problematic, unsuccessful and dependent. This should be done through the joint efforts of the state, society and the Church and the attractive type of the multiple children family should be in the center of attention. Large families have to become role models for young people.